Whatever the environmental condition you would like to monitor or measure, we can help, irrespective of the stage – be it conceptual design, installation or ongoing servicing and maintenance.
Our expertise covers:
Tides –Tidal data including real-time tide levels, tide predictions and tidal surge.
Weather – can include wind, precipitation, temperature, visibility, solar radiation or irradiance, humidity, dew point etc. Please also see our Forecasting Extension which brings together weather forecast data and tidal predictions alongside your real-time data
Common users: Marine / coastal operators such as ports, harbours, offshore renewables, jetty or berthing operators, dredgers, marine pilots etc.
Project Examples: ABP Wales, Peel Ports, Cowes Harbour, Harwich Haven, Network Rail.
Water Quality – Data on the condition of the water including, chemical, physical and biological elements. Elements commonly measured include dissolved oxygen, bacteria, salt levels and turbidity (see below).
Turbidity – Data on the amount of particles within a water sample which impact how light is absorbed and scattered. The particles can be biological, chemical or physical.
Read our full article on Turbidity (includes a recent project example).
Air Quality – Data on key pollutants within the air including Particulate Matter, Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Ammonia, Volatile Organic Compounds and Green House Gases.
Air quality is an increasingly important environmental concern and gathering and submitting evidence-based emission data is now a legal requirement for many marine and coastal operators.
Currents and Acoustic profilers
Currents – Data which measures the movement of water from one location to another. View our whitepaper on Measuring Currents – a short guide for the Harbour Master here
Acoustic Profiler – Often called Acoustic Doppler Profilers or ADCP, produces data on how fast water is moving across a water column using sound waves which ricochet off particles suspended in the moving water and reflect back to the instrument.
Common users: Marine / coastal operators such as ports, harbours, offshore renewables, jetty or berthing operators, dredgers, marine pilots etc.
Project Example: Port of Dover
Waves – Data includes wave direction, wave height, spectral energy, time series, wave period and swell.
Common Users – Data Analysts, Marine operators, Metocean engineers, Weather forecasters, Marine Pilots, Researchers, Scientists and Students.
Project Example: CCO data on Solent, Itabo Coal Terminal, Port of Dover.
Each project is different. We combine our knowledge of working with different sensors and sensor manufacturers, and our experience of numerous marine monitoring projects globally, to design and build the most appropriate solution for your situation and environment.