OceanWise helps governments and agencies responsible for offshore and coastal assets deliver a modernised approach to data and information management to ensure their operations and projects are:
“In addition to maintaining this critical infrastructure (the National Tide Gauge Network), OceanWise are contributing to the design and development of the system that will underpin the future of coastal flood forecasting”. Mike Osborne
We deliver background mapping and spatial data compatible with all standard GIS Systems. Easily integrated, our Intelligent Marine and Coastal Mapping Data and Web Map Services provide you with data that is fit for purpose, in the right format, accurate and up to date.
For data originators and owners, we can help with the processing, management, marketing and distribution of your data.
Our Environmental Monitoring services combine sensors, smart telemetry and display systems to help you monitor the environment and share weather, tidal and other data easily and efficiently to those who need it, when they need it.
We provide Data Management Training and Consultancy to improve your data management skills and support the development of data policies, standards strategy and systems.
We also provide a range of software applications to help you implement, automate and modernise common tasks – such as tracking and maintaining assets.