OceanWise Business Manager Dr Jon Taylor, a specialist in the acquisition and analysis of marine environmental data, has received the IMarEST ‘Recognised Speaker’ status. Congratulations Jon!
Recognised Speaker status is awarded to IMarEST (Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology) members who have “demonstrated strong presentation skills; an ability to convey technical content in a clear presentation and adapt to a given audience”.
Jon who joined the team this year, provides OceanWise with expertise in the design, specification and execution in marine environmental monitoring programmes and the analysis of the datasets arising therefrom. At OceanWise we believe that public speaking at industry events, conferences, meetings etc is important not only for personal development but as a part of our role as an organisation in the marine and geospatial industries. It is key that organisations such as ourselves who are at the forefront of emerging technologies and developments, share our knowledge and understanding of these topics with the wider community.
See Jon’s most recent presentation from OceanBusiness 2019 on Smart Telemetry training, which is available here on our website. Also see here for more details on our training courses and upcoming events. OceanWise also run free annual Marine Data Workshops – see our Workshops page for more details and how to get involved.
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