Maritime professionals, such as Port Pilots, VTS Operators and Harbour Masters, are demanding higher resolution and comprehensive datasets to deliver safe and efficient port and maritime operations. The ENC Writer Extension for Maritime Toolbar enables you to produce your own Bathymetric and Port ENCs to:
As ENCs can be produced within hours of receipt of the latest survey data, you are assured that all users are getting the most up-to-date and accurate information about your location, reducing risk and increasing confidence.
You can include additional local information on your ENCs which may not be available on standard charts from national hydrographic offices. Customised ENCs can be created so users have the most relevant information for their particular purpose. This provides for clearer and more detailed insight for their operations.
The ENCs produced can easily be shared with other maritime applications, such as Pilots for use in their Portable Pilotage Units, or in your VTS System. The extension enables you to:
The extension was developed in collaboration with our Licensed Partner, Geomod.
If you don’t have access to GIS, we can create mapping outputs for your specific needs, such as ENCs or other maps for critical projects or operations. Please click here for more information.